Source code for isc.codecs

import sys
import pickle
import json
from uuid import UUID
from datetime import datetime

from dateutil import parser

# pylint: disable=invalid-name,undefined-variable
if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
    # Python 3.x
    text_type = str
    binary_type = bytes
    # Python 2.x
    text_type = unicode  # noqa
    binary_type = str
# pylint: enable=invalid-name,undefined-variable

class CodecException(Exception):

[docs]class AbstractCodec(object): """ Abstract base class for implementing codecs. "Codec" is a class that tells ISC how to encode & decode message payloads. Server can support multiple codecs while client can use only one at a time. Default codec is :class:`.PickleCodec`. You can implement your own codec by extending :class:`.AbstractCodec` and overriding its methods. Important: Don't forget that both client and server should have the codec installed! """
[docs] def encode(self, message): # pragma: no cover """ Called when a message needs to be serialized for sending over AMQP channel. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def decode(self, payload): # pragma: no cover """ Called when a message needs to be serialized for sending over AMQP channel. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class PickleCodec(AbstractCodec): """ Pickle codec implementation. """ content_type = 'pickle' def encode(self, message): return pickle.dumps(message, protocol=2) def decode(self, payload): return pickle.loads(payload)
[docs]class JSONCodec(AbstractCodec): """ JSON codec implementation. """ content_type = 'json' def encode(self, message): return json.dumps(message) def decode(self, payload): return json.loads(payload)
[docs]class TypedJSONCodec(AbstractCodec): """ JSON codec implementation with support of timestamps & UUIDs. """ content_type = 'typedjson' def encode(self, message): encoder = json.JSONEncoder(default=self._encode_object) return encoder.encode(message) def _encode_object(self, v): print('Encode', v) if isinstance(v, datetime): return dict(__object_type='datetime', __object_value=v.isoformat()) elif isinstance(v, UUID): return dict(__object_type='uuid', __object_value=v.hex) elif isinstance(v, binary_type): return dict(__object_type='binary', __object_value=list(v)) else: raise CodecException('Don\'t know how to serialize {}'.format(repr(v))) def decode(self, payload): if isinstance(payload, binary_type): payload = payload.decode('utf-8') return json.JSONDecoder(object_hook=self._decode_object).decode(payload) def _decode_object(self, v): try: obj_type = v['__object_type'] obj_value = v['__object_value'] except Exception: return v if obj_type == 'datetime': return parser.parse(obj_value) elif obj_type == 'uuid': return UUID(obj_value) elif obj_type == 'binary': return bytes(bytearray(obj_value)) # Python 2.x/3.x portable method else: raise CodecException('Unknown type: {}'.format(obj_type))