Client bindings

class isc.client.Client(host='amqp://guest:guest@', exchange='isc', codec=None, connect_timeout=2, reconnect_timeout=3, invoke_timeout=20)[source]

Represents a single low-level connection to the ISC messaging broker. Thread-safe.


Force to use JSON codec only.

invoke(service, method, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Call a remote method and wait for a result. Blocks until a result is ready.

invoke_async(service, method, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Serialize & publish method call request.

notify(event, data)[source]

Serialize & publish notification.


Set codec.


Sets timeout for waiting for results on this client.


Set logging level.


Start connection & publisher threads.


Stops the client and waits for its termination.

class isc.client.ConsumerThread(hostname, exchange_name, connect_timeout, reconnect_timeout, codec)[source]

Internal class. Represents connection & message consuming thread.

class isc.client.FutureResult(cannonical_name, **extra)[source]

Encapsulates future result. Provides interface to block until future data is ready. Thread-safe.


Checks if this result has been resolved or rejected.


Rejects this promise with exception and sets “ready” event.


Resolves this promise with result and sets “ready” event.


Blocks until data is ready.

class isc.client.MethodProxy(client, service_name, method_name)[source]

Convenience wrapper for method.

It allows you to perform attribute chaining (e. g. client.example.add(2, 3))

call_async(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Finalizes the chain & performs actual RPC invocation. Does not block.

Returns FutureResult.

This is same as calling invoke_async()

class isc.client.PublisherThread(consumer)[source]

Internal class. Represents message publishing thread.

class isc.client.QueuedInvocation(codec, service, method, args, kwargs)[source]

Internal class. Represents pending outgoing method call.

class isc.client.QueuedNotification(codec, event, data)[source]

Internal class. Represents pending outgoing notification.

class isc.client.QueuedRequest(codec, **kwargs)[source]

Internal class. Represents pending outgoing message.

class isc.client.ServiceProxy(client, service_name)[source]

Convenience wrapper for service.

It allows you to perform attribute chaining (e. g. client.example.add(2, 3))